Services Provided

Personal StylistContact

Aimed at:

  • Models
  • Public personalities, artists
  • Bloggers, careers in development

  • Focused on personal identity and/or your brand, the Personal Stylist service is fluid in order to gain even more space on social networks through clothing! Where my client is the character and fashion is the product, respecting the value of each personal identity.

    Target Audience: People who want to grow professionally or in life, creating self-confidence and self-esteem, people with difficulty accepting themselves. People with difficulty transmitting their style or just dressing better for various occasions of their everyday life. People who need to captivate or win their audience through nonverbal communication. Models who want to start or leverage their career.


    • Briefing

    A study to know and understand the target audience of your client;

    • Style Analysis

    An analysis of current style is performed, and through the study, changes and improvement are suggested.


    • Personal Shopper

    Accompaniment in the purchases of the items.

    *All optional services are charged separately.

    Aimed at:

    • Stores

    Focused on your brand, the Personal Stylist service is designed to improve your sales and / or advertising, looking at various aspects and showing the value of the products to your target audience!

    Target Audience: Clothing stores, footwear or accessories. Stores that want a special day or trends for their customers. Stores that like to have a decisive differential.


    • Briefing

    Company analysis;

    • Store Window

    In commemorative dates or not, the layout of the products in the store is organized according to the target audience.


    • Briefing for Sellers

    Notebook of inspiration (trend of the moment) and how to behave in customer service.

    • Personalized Service

    Directed to the final public of the store, suggestions are made about trends and harmonious combinations regarding the products on display.

    *All optional services are charged separately.

Bride Consulting Contact

The bride's dress and accessories should harmonise perfectly with her personality!

For the bride, being perfect is undoubtedly one of the criteria used to this day. But what is perfect? - It's the bride making the choices she's always dreamed of! With this service she will be steered towards her goals, while being shown the most coherent paths for her steps. After all, who does not like to receive compliments and always be updated on trends?

Target Audience: rides with difficulty in choosing, deciding or even frustrated by not being able to find their ideal dress. Brides who need a clinical look to better visualize the harmonization of their bridemaids, mother and mother-in-law. You can even include the groom in this service if he allows it!! Brides, even if you already have the dress purchased / rented but need a consultancy to accompany the fittings and choose the accessories, this service is perfect for you! For brides who wish for a more intimate (dinner at home) or more extravagant (a huge party) style!


  • Profile Analysis

Through a Style and Personality interview the client provides important details and aspirations for the development of the services that will be presented to her;

  • Ideal Dress

The personal stylist provides images of dresses that match the client's profile, providing input on choices made by the bride. If the bride already has her preferred model, her proportions are analyzed and discussed as to what changes are necessary, if any;

  • Visual identity

Hairstyles, makeup, bouquets and accessories (ornaments, types of veils, earrings, necklaces, rings, gloves, among others) will be presented in all options that best fit your style;

  • Dress Fitting

Constant monitoring so that all necessary adjustments are observed and carried out carefully to prevent unforeseen events on the big day;

  • Wedding day

On this day the bride is accompanied until the moment of entry, thus finalizing the work contracted. It is important to have the professional around, especially when preparing for the grand entrance!


  • Analysis of Ceremony Participant

Suggestions for attire for Bridesmaids, Mother of the Bride, Mother-in-law of the Bride, and Groom are presented, respecting the lineage of the entire consulting process and always taking into consideration the details of the party and preferences of the bride.

* All optional services are charged separately

Online ConsultingContact

Spending quality time on yourself is very important, specially when it involves learning how to dress and present yourself bettter!

Target Audience: People who need practicality and agility in their day to day, people who seek change to dress easily. This service is suitable for anyone who needs to customize according to their daily life, their schedule or needs.


  • Style Analysis

Exercises define style and physical type.

  • Wardrobe Analysis

I can become familiar with your closet (clothes, shoes, accessories) through pictures/videos.

  • Smart Wardrobe

Suggestions can be made as to what needs to be added to your wardrobe (must have – essential- items).

  • Store Suggestions

Stores which best fit your style are suggested.


Calls are made by video (App – Skype, IMO, WhatsApp, Facetime), E-mail/ Google Photos

A webcam, a microphone, sound (for the audio), and good luminosity are essential.

Style ConsultingContact

Quantity does not mean quality and this is put into practice with greater visibility by the customer throughout the process.

Target Audience: People who want to dress better, increase self-esteem, raise or build self-confidence, men or women of all ages and with any objective in life.


  • Style Analysis

Style, physical type and personal coloring are identified through interviews and exercises;

  • Wardrobe Analysis

An analysis is made of your closet, with your personal input (considering clothes, shoes, accessories in general);

  • Recycling and Organization

Focused on practicality for the customer, the items are separated by categories and uses. Consistently and coherently, the analysis always leads to the style already defined at the beginning of the consultancy;

  • Smart Wardrobe

Observations and listings are made regarding what is missing in your closet (essential items).


  • Looks

Throughout the customer analysis, possible combinations of your items are made to allow for easier every-day dressing.

  • Shopping

The professional makes a pre-selection of stores that fit the profile of the client, and schedules visits to these stores, making smart purchases.

* All optional services are charged separately.

Wardrobe OrganizationContact

Who doesn't like to look at their closets and find that favourite item or have ideas of what to wear in a particular occasion? Ideal for people who require fast, practical and easy dressing ideas or finding that item for an unexpected moment!

Target Audience: People without time to organise their closets or wish to gain time when putting a look together. People without guidance for new combinations.


  • Closet Analysis

Evaluation on the place that requires organisation;

  • Organization

All items are removed and re-organised, considering the client's priorities.


  • Style Analysis

Style, physical type and personal coloring are identified through interviews and exercises.

  • Smart Wardrobe

Observation and listings about what is missi in your closet (essential items). This service requires a Style Analysis.

  • Looks
  • Through client analysis item combinations are made to facilitate your day to day.

    * All optional services are charged separately.